Sunday, 14 August 2016

#IdrisElbaxSuperdry | Popping Up! Brand New PopUp! Launch At BoxPark


                            Via Courtesy of © 2016 BOXPARK

                         Via Courtesy of © 2016 BOXPARK

                                      Covered by © 2016 Nets x.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Fans Join Me!

In Celebration Of Alicia Keys, Her Humanitarianism
and Just How Key It Is For Black Lives to Matter..


Pictured Here in June 2014 for Givenchy's Dahlia Parfum Campaign Photo with Thanks to ::
Westfield WSCLondon John Lewis Fragrances Team Link via :: Fashionista

As the world becomes more and more crazier l had wanted to acknowledge one of the most prolific Artists around for their continued contribution to mentoring younger people which inspires them to become greater individuals within society

Alicia Keys

In these harsh times, l felt more drawn towards Alicia's easily recognisable humanitarian efforts
and if you know anything about the Artist Alicia Keys
you would easily be able to feel the power of her humanitarian efforts too..

Black Lives Do Matter..


T-shirt stock provided by Russell Athletic

Alicia is the co-founding Partner and Global Ambassador of Keep a Child Alive, a non-profit organization that provides medicine to families with HIV and AIDS in Africa

The talented grammy award-winning rythm and blues singer during her 2005 concert teamed up with Bono ofUS band U2 to record a special cover track "Don't Give Up(Africa)"
to which she later made a documentary entitled 'Journey to the Motherland' following the singer's travels to throughout african villages.

Photo credit :: ©maxresdefault

There really has been no end to Alicia's charitable efforts which have included various benefit concerts to mentoring the younger generation to empowering women and young girls and people out of oppression and in doing this, l feel that the singer has raised awarness of how black life matters.

The Singer, Producer, Actress and Mother describes herself as;
"Passionate about my work, in love with my family and dedicated to spreading light. It's contagious!"


Pictured Here in June 2014 for Givenchy's Dahlia Parfum Campaign Photo with Thanks to ::
Westfield WSCLondon John Lewis Fragrances Team Link via :: Fashionista  
Alicia Cook 
we continuously appreciate and support your humanitarian efforts!

For more of Alicia Keys when you're next keen to appreciate more or if you are an avid concert goer it's possible that you can join in with Alicia's cause Keep a Child Alive

by texting ALIVE to 90999  or simply just wander your cursor over to

written by net stagename :: netsfmodel on an Ubuntu desktop server

Nets Is an Experienced Model-Blogger and Runway Model On Modelsdotcom, Advertiser & Model Mentor for the Fashion and Lifestyle & Entertainment lndustries