Friday, 24 August 2018


© 2018 Joan Collins DBE
via Courtesy of the Managing PR Team at Kurt's Place

Dame Joan Henrietta Collins loves broadway and it wasn't long before the multi-bafta award-winning stand-alone 
Actress was cting and performing all over the globe, however her roots were firmly set in London's the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) in London

It therefore is no surprise that Dame Joan has been snapped up by major brands such as her gig for another of our favourite fashion brands


© 2018 Joan Collins DBE
via Courtesy of the Managing PR Team at Kurt's Place

Upon being interviewed for the KG campaign
the beautiful Dame when asked when she felt most confident within her style answered 
"In my Teens when I eschewed pretty little frocks
which were the style of the time.."

© 2018 Kurt Geiger Accessories Campaign
Pictured: Dame Joan Collins DBE

Founder and CEO Cheif Designer Kurt seems to be leading the brand towards the right direction, a direction that is all about embracing the individual.
The new Kurt Geiger strengthens the huge bond the company have already established between their products and the brand's end users. Including the new wave of younger KG disciples..

For the brand's Creative Director Rebecca it’s all about having an open dialogue as the brand's Creative director elaborates..
“You know, I spend a great deal of time watching our customers,” admits Farrar-Hockley. “I sit outside our stores, I get letters and photos all the time and twice a year I tour the UK, just observing. And our sense of personal freedom, of celebrating that thing you have which is different is so British, and so true. This campaign is for those who want to stand out – whether at a wedding, the school run or just having a drink with a friend after work."
And Rebecca adds; that "after all what feels better than looking good by showing your true colours?”

Wonderful I/we thought!

 © 2012 Dame Joan Collins 
Pictured at the Venice Film Festival

Enjoy a timeline of Joan's work 
commencing with her appearance in 
the playwright 

'Private Lives' 
were the renowned Actress starred as 
Amanda Prynne  set on a summer balcony in the southern

region of France.

Directed by Arvin Brown

Dame Joan Henrietta Collins Links

more at wasn't only all about our wonderful DameJoan..
that was the one thing that initially caught my eye and made her explore into his place..
 but once inside, it was also all about..

more when you stay tuned into the modelblog comingsoon

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